Hello! We have arrived safely in Kenya, and the image above is from the rooftop of the school we are volunteering at. It's been a whirlwind couple of days, but we're beginning to settle in. All three of us have been battling a bit of head colds, and we're staying with our WorkAway host family in Nairobi (mom, two sons, 12 orphan kids). It's an experience, but we're good.
We spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday teaching at the school, and Sila has made some friends with a few of the boys. Some of his closest friends are the boys who are living with us (really, in the back of the house--long story), and it's mostly because they don't make fun of his hair. Apparently, Africans are quite surprised at how long American boys hair is.
Today, however, is Conan's birthday, so we decided to celebrate by visiting a giraffe center. We had fun, and it only took Sila two hours to get enough courage to feed the giraffes. Oh, that boy. Sila is missing from the picture below because he refused to stand that close to a giraffe.
This week, we have to finish up teaching (the kids are done on Wednesday....we think; communication isn't the clearest here), and then we hope to take the orphan kids to Nairobi National Park (only NP in a city!!) on Thursday. From there, our plan is to visit Masai Mara National Reserve, which is supposed to be one of the best game parks in the world. We.are.excited.
Until then, hope everyone is well!!!