It's sneaky: the mornings and evenings are cool, with a great breeze; then mid day happens. You walk or bike, and all of a sudden you're drenched. Sweat drips from your forehead, and your shirt sticks to your belly. All the while, locals are wearing their winter hats, long sleeved shirts (or even coats!), jeans, and maybe some gloves to boot. Am I exaggerating? No!!
The claustrophobia sets in.
Do the locals seem to sweat? Nope. Are they chilly? Who knows!
Is it hotter here now then it is in Florida in August or September? Nope. But do you want to know the difference? In Florida, there is this little invention called central air conditioning. So when the heat starts to creep into the house (late know, when it's so f-ing hot you can't stand it), you escape into your home and sigh a sweet sigh as the sweat evaporates.
But here? Nope. The windows and doors are open to get some sort of breeze, and the sun beats in the windows. The fan is on its highest setting, blowing directly at you, and you can't wait until bedtime, where you enjoy the luxury of an a/c unit blowing on you until it gets so cold, you have to turn it off. Then you go back to sweating.
The plus side? I'm detoxifying every day.
I'll leave you with a few pictures. While not the best, notice the few locals who are fully clothed; the only reason I have a long-sleeve shirt on is because it's the custom to cover one's shoulders. Underneath, I had a tank top that I was wearing around the house. I covered up to go get Sila.
I'll probably post one more time before we leave Cambodia, so look for that sometime next week. Big hugs to everyone!
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